Hello there.
You went to Add Device -> Choose a Hook -> Enter a Device Name
The App is requesting you to press remote buttons, but when you press the remote buttons nothing is happening.
Follow the troubleshooting steps to try:
- Ensure that the hook is online and is breathing cyan, something like this
- Does the light on the Hook glow white when you press the remote button?
- Take the remote very close to the Hook and try again.
- The light doesn't glow white nor the App shows that a button was added
If all the above is true, please email us support@gethook.io. In the email, please provide
a.) your email address associated with Hook account
b.) remote/device you are trying to pair. A website would be helpful. Include the FCC ID listed on the remote, if there is one.
If you are pairing Etekcity outlets, you don't need to include the website link.